Dads can make a tremendous difference in the lives of their children. When a ...
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Been There...Teenage Moms Who Beat the Odds delivers both a disturbing reality ...
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Examining the educational instruction of the deaf individual from its ...
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This is a book for preschool parents, and if you're one of them you don't ...
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This is a book for preschool parents, and if you're one of them you don't have ...
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One of the foremost authorities on the use of sign language with hearing ...
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No Place but Here: A Teacher's Vocation in a Rural Community, Library of New England
Garret Keizer
Succinct, passionate, and wise, here is one teacher's answer to the crisis ...
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What would happen to your pets tomorrow if you were hit by a bus today? Many ...
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This is the book I wished I had when my children were little, 20 years ago. Now ...
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