Hiker's Guide to the Mountains of Vermont |
Paperback |
Jared Gange
Hikers have long enjoyed the hundreds of miles of trails that wind through the mountains of Vermont. The terrain varies from gentle woods paths to rocky scrambles up Vermont's highest peaks. We have tried to make this guidebook easy to use by basing the chapters around familiar towns and mountains and then presenting the popular hikes for each recreation area. The detailed maps that accompany the route descriptions show the hiking terrain and the driving approaches to the trailheads. Beginning with the Mt. Mansfield region, our most important hiking area, we present the most commonly done hikes from Camel's Hump, Worcester Range, Mad River Valley, Middlebury, Killington, Manchester, Bennington, Mount Snow, Brattleboro, Ascutney, Groton State Forest, the Northeast Kingdom, and Jay Peak areas. For trips on the Long Trail as well as a concise guide to Vermont's fine backcountry skiing.