Jared Gange
Jared Gange has hiked and skied in New Hampshire for over 10 years. He has hiked and climbed in the Tetons, the Cascades, Switzerland, Norway, Pakistan and Nepal. He lives in Vermont, and publishes recreation maps and guides. |
Hiker's Guide to the Mountains of Vermont |
Paperback |
Jared Gange
Hikers have long enjoyed the hundreds of miles of trails that wind through the mountains of Vermont. The terrain varies from gentle woods paths to rocky scrambles up Vermont's highest peaks. We have tried to make this guidebook easy to use by basing the chapters around familiar towns and mountains and then presenting the popular hikes for each recreation area. The detailed maps that accompany the route descriptions show the hiking terrain and the driving approaches to the trailheads. Beginning with the Mt. Mansfield region, our most important hiking area, we present the most commonly done hikes from Camel's Hump, Worcester Range, Mad River Valley, Middlebury, Killington, Manchester, Bennington, Mount Snow, Brattleboro, Ascutney, Groton State Forest, the Northeast Kingdom, and Jay Peak areas. For trips on the Long Trail as well as a concise guide to Vermont's fine backcountry skiing.
Hiker's Guide to the Mountains of New Hampshire |
Paperback |
Jared Gange
Thousands of miles of hiking trails wind through New Hampshire's forests, past lakes and waterfalls and along boulder-choked mountain streams. Glacial valleys, cirques, granite cliffs, and barren, rocky summits with sweeping views make this region a mecca for hikers, skiers, and climbers. The most scenic areas-popular destinations for over a hundred and fifty years-are rich in history. Over time, hikers have paid these mountains, and Mount Washington in particular, a great deal of attention. Once, grand hotels graced the mountaintops; these exist no more. A cog railway, constructed in 1868, still carries passengers up Mount Washington in the summer. Some of the old carriage roads and graded walking paths survive as trails to the present day. A system of full-service mountain huts, started in the last century, is alive and thriving. The summit areas of Mount Washington and the other main peaks of the Presidential Range (Adams, Madison, Jefferson, and Eisenhower) form a large arctic-alpine zone of about 8 square miles. Although often very pleasant, the weather can change quickly, revealing its harsh side about half the time.
Hiker's Guide to the Mountains of Vermont |
Paperback |
Jared Gange
- Comprehensive hiking guide to the important hikes of Vermont, both on the Long Trail (Camel's Hump and Mount Mansfield) and other areas
- 100 Hikes in 15 Chapters, 45 black & white photos, 23 maps, map refrences, index
- Information on backpacking along Vermont's 270-mile Long Trail
- Chapter on Vermont's excellent backcountry skiing, with emphasis on the large network of trails in the Stowe-Mt. Mansfield area
100 Classic Hikes of the Northeast |
Paperback |
Jared Gange
This book has been written for visitors and residents alike. It is a presentation of the best mountain hikes-the classics-of the northeastern United States. Residents of one area should find it useful for learning about their neighboring areas, in some cases just across a river or a lake. For tourists and newcomers to the region, this guide provides a balanced and thorough introduction to the exciting mountain hiking of the Northeast.
The area cover is Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and eastern New York state; the Hudson Highlands, the Catskills, and the Adirondacks. Although no high mountains are found here, this is a generally mountainous region with vertical differences in excess of 4,000'. New York and New Hampshire are represented with about thirty hikes each, Maine has about twenty, Vermont ten, and Massachusetts and Connecticut have five between them. The one hundred hikes described are on almost as many mountains. Four mountains-Washington, Katahdin, Mansfield and Jefferson-each have two classic routes. In addition to the one hundred featured hikes, about 35 hikes are briefly alluded to, either as a variation on a featured hike, or as a nearby hike of special interest.