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David Stukas

David Stukas
David Stukas has not written any screenplays, has never received a Pulitzer, and is not a regular contributor to National Public Radio. Someone Killed His Boyfriend is his first book. He lives in California and is currently working on his next mystery.

Someone Killed His Boyfriend
David Stukas
It's tough being fabulously wealthy Michael Stark's closest pal-particularly when you're an underpaid copywriter for feminine hygiene products, with a lousy apartment and no lover of your own. But Robert can't resist Michael, even though the man's motto is Money Can Buy Happiness. And reformed megaslut Michael can't resist strapping southerner Max Crawford, who has agreed to marry him in a wedding that promises to be New York's ultimate gay event.

While Michael busies himself booking the First Church of Christ, Scientist, Homosexual and ordering enough exotic flowers to strip a tropical rainforest, Robert commiserates with Monette, who shares his envy of Michael, his affinity for practical jokes, and his inability to find a lasting same-sex love. Little do they know that what lies in store for Michael is far from wedded bliss.

The big day finds Michael, Robert, and Monette mingling with hundreds of Michael's closest friends, plus a crowd of drag queens in rustling taffeta. Curiously, the groom's husband-to-be is nowhere to be found...and neither is Michael's priceless Matisse painting.

What's a jilted lover to do? Purchase the finest rifle money can buy and vow to kill the SOB, that's what. With a reluctant Robert in tow, Michael tracks Max all the way to Provincetown, where, amidst throngs of beautiful thong-clad boys, Max turns up dead before Michael can shoot him. Primary suspects Michael and Robert swiftly go into full Hardy Boys mode, accompanied by their own personal Nancy Drew, Monette. When the clues indicate that the culprit is a murderous Bette Davis impersonator, Robert must endure the ultimate test of friendship. Does he dare go undercover with Michael in a drag revue to smoke out the real killer? Does he dare not to? Before you can say Accessory to Murder, Robert and Michael have made their drag debut in heels, sequins, and enough makeup to make Joan Collins look pasty, determined to find the real killer before the killer-and the cops-find them!

With sass, suspense, and outrageous twists galore, newcomer David Stukas creates a memorable trio of sleuths in a fast-paced, campy tale that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.


Going Down for the Count
David Stukas
In Someone Killed His Boyfriend, David Stukas introduced the most fabulously unlikely trio of gay sleuths this side of Provincetown. Now, Michael and Robert and their lesbian sidekick, Monette, are in the vichyssoise again when Robert's romance with a count goes from fabulous to flatline…

It ain't easy being green—especially if you're Robert Willsop, a boy from Michigan searching for love in the Prada-filled, Chilean sea bass-eating world of gay New York. While his best friend Michael is perfectly content to detail every bit of his latest hot-wax demo over a plate of fifty-dollar pasta, poverty-stricken Robert longs for a good, old-fashioned romance. So when a chance meeting with the gorgeous, fabulously wealthy Count Siegfried Von Schmidt leads to a whirlwind romance and a marriage proposal, Robert waves goodbye to his dumpy studio apartment and dives in with heart, soul and a brand-new Rolex wristwatch.

Instead of being gloriously happy for him—and angling for a spot on the Count's private Lear jet—Michael and Monette are deeply suspicious. After all, Robert's dates aren't usually described as rich, handsome and cultured. “Psychotic, mentally crippled and pathetic” is more like it. Robert credits their lack of support to extreme jealousy, and leaves for Germany in a huff, or as huffy as Midwesterners can get. For once, everything is going his way.

In fact, until the Count is discovered dead—with a rather large knife in his back—life is just ducky.

Suddenly trapped in the European vacation from hell and rapidly becoming murder suspect number one, Robert calls in the troops. Soon Michael, Robert and Monette are traipsing all over Germany, looking for clues to a killer cold enough to murder a man and leave a mess on the Berber carpets. Could it have been the spiteful ex-lover with the incredible chest? The servants who were tired of polishing the silver? A disgruntled art collector? One thing is becoming painfully certain—the Count was no prince in real life, and everyone had a reason to shoot him. With the cops closing in, the trio are in a race to find a moneyed murderer who has decided to tie up all loose ends…permanently.


Wearing Black to the White Party
David Stukas
Fasten your seat belts because David Stukas, author of the riotously fun Someone Killed His Boyfriend and Going Down for the Count, is back with another wickedly entertaining outing featuring accidental sleuths Michael, Robert and Monette. This time, the trio are off to Palm Springs, where a rivalry between the world-famous White Party and the upstart Red Party is sizzling, turning the hottest circuit in town into a festival of murder…

Mama said there’d be days like this. That’s the refrain running through Robert’s modest, Midwestern mind as he and Michael are driven to the home of party promoter Rex Gifford by the mogul’s naked manservant, Vince. Never mind that the guy is sporting enough hardware in his not-so-software to be a human wind chime. Or that Michael’s managed to join the mile-high club on the way down. Or that Rex’s plan for a Red Party to rival the celebrated White Party has started an all-out war among the gay mafia controlling the circuit party world. At least the pool is heated, the décor is gorgeous, and they can hang out with Monette, who’s in town for the Dinah Shore classic.

But things aren’t absolutely fabulous in paradise.

Someone’s moved up from sending threatening letters to Rex’s T-Rex Productions to actually trying to kill him, and since Michael’s joined at the, er, hip with the ambitious mastermind, things are getting pretty personal. It isn’t long before Rex is found face-down in his lap pool, and the trio’s vacation turns into a working one. With millions of dollars and exclusive party contracts at stake, anyone could be a suspect, including gay mob mini-boss Jimmy Garboni, bitchy interior designer Colorado Jackson, sexy soap star David McLeish and possibly even gorgeous T-Rex partner Marc Baldwin, who’s showing more than a passing interest in Robert’s non-investigative skills. But when another buff bod goes stiff, it’s obvious that someone is determined to keep the Red Party from ever getting off the ground, and as the DJs start spinning, the world’s cattiest sleuths are going to have to seriously work every bit of the nightlife just to stay one step ahead of a ruthless killer…

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