Galen Beale
Galen Beale is the Director of the Enfield Shaker Museum. The museum, dedicated to preserving Shaker heritage, has 13 buildings, several Shaker gardens (including one of the finest herb gardens in the nation), and extensive, beautiful grounds. The Enfield Shaker Museum offers year-round programs that include workshops, tours, exhibits, and craft demonstrations. Galen Beale often conducts tours of the Shaker gardens during which she points out to visitors many of the native plants the Shakers used for cooking and for medicinal purposes. Prior to coming to the Enfield Shaker Museum, Ms. Beale worked as an herbalist and craft coordinator at Canterbury Shaker Village. |
The Earth Shall Blossom--Shaker Herbs and Gardening explores the history and heritage of the Shaker herb garden. The book explores the Shaker domestic, culinary, and medicinal use of herbs. Recipes for Shaker dishes such as Tomato Catchup, Potato Salad, Ginger Beer, and Peppermint Drops are included. Recipes for cough syrup and numerous herbal remedies for toothaches, rheumatism, and wounds are also detailed.
The Earth Shall Blossom--Shaker Herbs and Gardening is a book that anyone interested in Shaker life, herbs, and/or gardening will enjoy.