Sabra Field
Sabra Field is perhaps Vermont's most celebrated print maker and is best known as the designer of the 1994 Vermont Bicentennial Stamp. Born in Oklahoma, Sabra grew up in the New York metropolitan area and, after graduating from Bronxville High School, attended Middlebury College. In addition to a B.A. with honors in art, Sabra has an M.A.T. from Wesleyan University where she studied printmaking with Russell T. Limbach.
Ms. Field's prints have been shown in more than 40 solo exhibitions and included in a number of national and international juried exhibitions. Three of her prints were accepted for the 1994 International Print Biennial at the Silvermine Guild in Norwalk, Connecticut. Ms. Field's stained glass window is in the Chapel at the Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center. Her prints have appeared on magazine covers and she has illustrated several books.
Before Life Hurries On is a book of poetry and images that "celebrates special natural places, for their beauty and for their healing of the human spirit." The poet, Jenepher Lingelbach, and the illustrator, Sabra Field, were friends and neighbors in East Barnard, Vermont. After collaborating on the cover for a Christmas Eve church program, they decided to collaborate on a project that would portray different times of the day, seasons, nearby sights, and different views.
In the book, each poem, "Mountain Top," "Waterfall," or "November Fog" is paired with an original woodcut. Notes at the back of the book explain the experiences that inspired the words and images and enhance the pleasure of re-reading and revisiting this beautiful full-color book.
To Read a Bit About the Book
Her prints hang in imposing corporate boardrooms and in rustic New England fishing camps. Her 1991 Vermont Bicentennial commemorative stamp depicting yellow farm fields, a red barn, and blue mountains quickly became one of the U.S. Postal Service's best-selling issues, with more than 60 million copies purchased. Sabra Field is that rare contemporary artist whose work has found a large and enthusiastic following well outside the traditional realm of collectors and fine-art experts. Field's imagination is boundless, and she travels the world in search of inspiration. At her home and studio set in the Vermont countryside, she meticulously carves and hand-inks the wood blocks with which she creates her magical prints, one color at a time. Her stirring works have firmly established Field, one of North America's most accomplished modern printmakers, as the most recognized Vermont artist of her generation and a national treasure. In "The Art of Place," essayist Tom Slayton celebrates the rural zeitgeist of Sabra Field's art, which at once nestles comfortably within the pastoral tradition and refreshes it, for Field's pastoralism goes beyond nostalgia to become a "complex and carefully considered environmentalism." Sabra Field's "art of place" commands attention and appreciation, motivates its beholders, and endures the test of time.