Gary Lenhart
Gary Lenhart is the author of four collections of poems, Light Heart, One at a Time, Bulb in Socket, and Drunkard's Dream. He edited the Teachers & Writers Guide to William Carlos Williams. And from 1986-91 the magazine Transfer. With Michael Scholnick and Greg Masters, he edited Mag City from 1977-1985, and with Steve Levine, Bob Rosenthal, and Greg Master, The Collected Poems of Michael Scholnick. He has published articles and reviews in Talisman, Poetry Flash, The Poetry Project Newsletter, American Book Review, and other journals, and has taught as Columbia and Dartmouth. He now lives in Vermont. |
"Tender heart, nimble wit, and tough mind radiate throughout Gary Lenhart's poems of numinous domesticity, poems that are so well made that their craftsmanship is invisible-the ultimate graciousness of art." ---Ron Radgett