Saving Gas With a Computer
Agnolia, who thought Tom was happy and secure in his job as a new products designer with a small appliance manufacturer, said "Did Tom change jobs?" In response, Sally said "No, Tom has the same job. He just works at home and uses his computer, fax and telephone to communicate with the office. The only time he commutes is the last week of the month when he meets with suppliers, reviews blue prints, and signs paperwork." Sally had barely finished answering Agnolia's question when Sara said "How did Tom get such a good deal? I wish Peter didn't have to drive to work every day. I worry when the weather is bad and commuting is expensive." Sally, who was pleased with Tom's new status as a telecommuter, said "It was all Tom's supervisor's idea. The company needed more office space. While Fred, the general manager, was looking for space he heard a radio interview with Lisa Shaw, the author of Telecommute! Go to Work without Leaving Home. In the interview, Lisa said that new computer technology makes it possible for employees to work anyplace and communicate with anyone anywhere. She said AT&T, Apple Computers, J.C. Penney and Travelers Corporation are just some of the companies who have telecommuting employees. Lisa Shaw also said telecommuting can save employers money and that employees are often more productive because they are not spending time and energy commuting." Sally said, "After the show Fred got copies of Telecommute! for all the design engineers. Tom converted the spare bedroom into a telecommuting office and the company put in two phone lines and bought Tom a new computer. Because Tom and eight other employees were telecommuting, the company didn't have to move and was saving money on rent. Tom is hoping the telecommuting employees are going to save enough money so everyone can get a big bonus this year." Before the Tiny Tots Moms' meeting ended, Sara asked Sally if she could borrow Telecommute! As Sara left she said, "If Peter's boss lets him telecommute, we won't have to buy a car and we can take the kids to Disneyland." |
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