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Bertha S. Dodge,
Writer & Vermont Resident

Bertha S. Dodge, the author of Tales of Vermont Ways and People and twelve other books, lives in Burlington, Vermont.

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Bertha S. Dodge
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Most people believe that the history of the earliest white settlers in Vermont (then called the New Hampshire grants) is lost in the mists of time. Not so, as is here amply proven by Bertha S. Dodge.

In order to construct a picture of life in the grants, Dodge pondered the following questions: Who were the original settlers? Why did they come to the grants? How did they get there? What was it like once they arrived? Such questions are simple to ask but very difficult to answer because the actual settlers almost never left records. How could they? They were too busy building mills and homes, clearing land, and growing food.

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In this useful book, Bertha Dodge provides fascinating answers to questions that needed asking about the processes of receiving a land grant; making a pitch in the woods; felling the trees; making a clearing; growing crops; building a dam, a saw and grist mill, and a forge--all to provide the bare necessities of living.

Paperback Signed Editions $ 11.95
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Tales of
Vermont Ways
and People

Bertha S. Dodge
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There are many cute histories of Vermont people and folkways--the old-timer with the twangy voice and a natural store of yarns telling off the city slicker, for example. Tales of Vermont Ways and People is not one of them.

In a refreshing departure, this book lets Vermonters come through as real people--people whose traditions, outlook on life, and sturdy independence fascinate most onlookers, and people whose quick, if quiet, humor enchants all who come to know them intimately.

Here are the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the early settlers. Included are stories of con men, horse traders, Yankee peddlers, smugglers, Indians, and the legendary men and women (such as Ethan Allen and Ann Story) who helped turn the tide in the American Revolution.

Paperback Signed Editions $ 16.95
Paperback Inscribed Editions
Shipped within 30 days of order $ 22.95

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