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Robert W. Averill,
Author, Editor & New Hampshire Resident

Bob Averil first climbed Mt. Moosilauke in the early 1960's. Since then he has sought out the stories of this, the western most peak of the White Mountains in New Hampshire. Many narratives he found hidden away in out-of-print books, and old magazines and newspapers. Others he collected from people who spent part of their lives living on the mountain. Averil's hard work has brought together two hundred years worth of life on Mt. Moosilauke.

The Moosilauke Reader Vol 1
Robert W. Averill
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The Moosilauke Reader is neither a history or a guide book; nor is it intended to be the comprehensive authority about Mount Moosilauke. Instead Bob Averill has assembled a sampler of Moosilauke's literature: a survey of the nineteenth century and twentieth century prose responses to the mountain from writers of varied backgrounds and interests and motivations.

Moosilauke Reader Vol 2
The Moosilauke Reader Vol 2
Robert W. Averill
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The second volume of The Moosilauke Reader continues the re-discovery of the Mount Moosilauke's literature, much of it lost for generations. Those long familiar with the mountain will be surprised at some of the accounts and will be pleased at being introduced to many aspects of Moosilauke's past. Others who are strangers to the mountain may very well be inspired to pay a visit.

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